A trăi,a visa si a crea lucruri frumoase care-ţi aduc bucurie si pace sufletească,este esenţial pentru mine.
Doresc să dăruiesc din prea plinul inimii mele, bucuria unei inspiraţii=idei si creaţii,care vine,râmane o clipă si pleacă graţios spre altă destinaţie....
Wow gorgeous cherries! I'm so happy to see you playing along at Tuesday Alchemy! I just want to ask you to change one thing. Instead of using your general blog link, use this link: http://aureliaeugenia-ideisicreatii.blogspot.com/2012/05/cherries-time.html. You will see that it goes directly to the post and this helps us find which project you want to enter. :)
I saw your comment for the post and you followed everything correctly, but it is asked for you to use a direct link.
Here let me show you an example from your lovely blog. Let's pretend you want to show your friends the beautiful angel earrings you put up January 29, 2012. If you send them to your general blog link (http://aureliaeugenia-ideisicreatii.blogspot.com) then they may not know where to go or which one you mean because it's a post from many months ago. To let your friend know which post, you need to copy the direct link. You find the direct link by going to the specific angel earrings post and copying the link: http://aureliaeugenia-ideisicreatii.blogspot.com/2012/01/angels-for-earrings-quilling-technics.html. Whoever gets this link will only see the blog post with angel wings. Did you try to put the link in your browser to see what it is? Notice how no other blog posts surround it. When you see that the link brings you to only one post, you know that you have found the direct link. This is what they will look for when you enter blog challenges. For Tuesday Alchemy right now, you only put your general blog link so I was just mentioning to change it to: http://aureliaeugenia-ideisicreatii.blogspot.com/2012/05/cherries-time.html so you can qualify for the prize.
I have my picture up on there because I am on the design team. You can apply to different challenge blogs to see if you get chosen to be on a design team and have your picture up too. Part of the work on a design team is to give people ideas and inspiration to join in on the challenges each time.
No, no I would never be angry at you. I didn't want to overwhelm you but I didn't want to miss any information either. I have a college degree in teaching and sociology, so I like to be as clear as I can when I speak to anyone. Sorry if it came off as anger because I am rarely mad. The internet just sometimes makes words sound like they come out in the wrong tone.
Please send my best wishes to Dana and tell her I am looking forward to her speedy recovery so the world can see her pretty art and photographs again! :)
Hee hee! I just realized that you were linked to your general blog post. I decided to give you a little break because you are working SO hard.
I changed your link to go directly to the post - A one time thing, so just follow Eileen's instructions for future challenges & you will be in the running :)
Draga Aurelia poti sa ma intrebi oricand orice daca stiu si am timp sa intru pe blog iti raspund cu cea mai mare placere. Nici eu nu prea ma descurc in Quilling Cafe. Nu stiu cum pot face sa apara ce postez eu pe blog si acolo la ei. e o optiune dar nu am inteles inca. Pentru tine, ca sa afisezi o poza, sau un text in format HTML care formeaza un banner sau o poza, intri de pe blogul tau in optiunea DESIGN, apoi in ASPECT, apoi la ADAUGATI UN OBIECT DE GADGET si de acolo alegi optiunea FOTOGRAFIE. Poti importa de pe calculatorul tau sau, in situatia unei fotografii BLOGGER'S AWARD te-am invatat deja:faci click pe ea si te duci la propietati si copiezi adresa fotografiei de pe INTERNET. In fereastra optiunii FOTOGRAFIE treci la link adresa copiata cu mouse-ul. Nu uita sa apesi apoi pe toate optiunile de salvare in toate ferestrele de inapoiere catre blog. Sper ca m-ai inteles, daca nu spune-mi si corectam. Sa vedem ce facem si Quilling Cafe ca nu prea stiu sa umblu pe acolo...Vorbim. Va sarut pe amandoua, pe tine si pe fetita ta si va doresc mult succes in ceea ce faceti. Si eu am un baiat de 29 de ani care este programator de jocuri pe calculator. Si sunt mandra de el.
Pentru copiere adresa poza de pe INTERNET :click pe buton dreapta mouse si te duci pe ultima optiune PROPERTIES, o deschizi si copiezi adresa de la URL tot cu mouse-ul, click buton dreapta si COPY. Te duci apoi in fereastra FOTOGRAFIE si la optiunea adresa URL sau INTERNET, nu mai stiu ce scrie acolo acum exact, dai click dreapta mouse si PASTE. Asa poti copia orice fotografie de pe INTERNET pe blogul tau, avand permisiunea propietarului fotografiei in prealabil. Poti aranja fotografiile in fereastra de ASPECT cum vrei tu, tinand apasat butonul din stanga al mouse-ului si tragandu-le in jos sau in sus. Nu uita sa salvezi tot ce faci. Daca gresesti ceva nu salva si totul e ok.
Thank you for taking your precious time to leave a comment on my blog . I treasure them a lot and I will visit your blog too . XoXo and hugs ,aureliaeugenia
This is cute..Love the cherries..
RăspundețiȘtergereCe lucruri frumoase faci. Cat am pierdut in tot acest timp cat nu am mai avut timp de "hobbies"! Vorbim.
RăspundețiȘtergereThis is really beautiful. The little flowers and cherries are lovely, Ruth :)
RăspundețiȘtergereOMG! Amazing quilling! It's a masterwork! Pretty image and sweet cherries!
RăspundețiȘtergereThanks for joining us at Tuesday Alchemy!
Wow gorgeous cherries! I'm so happy to see you playing along at Tuesday Alchemy! I just want to ask you to change one thing. Instead of using your general blog link, use this link: http://aureliaeugenia-ideisicreatii.blogspot.com/2012/05/cherries-time.html. You will see that it goes directly to the post and this helps us find which project you want to enter. :)
RăspundețiȘtergereYeah - You did it! You have shared with us at Tuesday Alchemy :) See? It wasn't as difficult as you might have thought.
RăspundețiȘtergereWonderful creation - Adorable cherries & flowers! You've got quilling skills, chickie :)
gorgeous card, love the quilling and the coloring is awesome, love it!!!!
I like it. I could eat cherries. :)))
RăspundețiȘtergereI saw your comment for the post and you followed everything correctly, but it is asked for you to use a direct link.
RăspundețiȘtergereHere let me show you an example from your lovely blog. Let's pretend you want to show your friends the beautiful angel earrings you put up January 29, 2012. If you send them to your general blog link (http://aureliaeugenia-ideisicreatii.blogspot.com) then they may not know where to go or which one you mean because it's a post from many months ago. To let your friend know which post, you need to copy the direct link. You find the direct link by going to the specific angel earrings post and copying the link: http://aureliaeugenia-ideisicreatii.blogspot.com/2012/01/angels-for-earrings-quilling-technics.html. Whoever gets this link will only see the blog post with angel wings. Did you try to put the link in your browser to see what it is? Notice how no other blog posts surround it. When you see that the link brings you to only one post, you know that you have found the direct link. This is what they will look for when you enter blog challenges. For Tuesday Alchemy right now, you only put your general blog link so I was just mentioning to change it to: http://aureliaeugenia-ideisicreatii.blogspot.com/2012/05/cherries-time.html so you can qualify for the prize.
I have my picture up on there because I am on the design team. You can apply to different challenge blogs to see if you get chosen to be on a design team and have your picture up too. Part of the work on a design team is to give people ideas and inspiration to join in on the challenges each time.
I hope my explanations weren't too confusing!
No, no I would never be angry at you. I didn't want to overwhelm you but I didn't want to miss any information either. I have a college degree in teaching and sociology, so I like to be as clear as I can when I speak to anyone. Sorry if it came off as anger because I am rarely mad. The internet just sometimes makes words sound like they come out in the wrong tone.
RăspundețiȘtergerePlease send my best wishes to Dana and tell her I am looking forward to her speedy recovery so the world can see her pretty art and photographs again! :)
Hee hee! I just realized that you were linked to your general blog post. I decided to give you a little break because you are working SO hard.
RăspundețiȘtergereI changed your link to go directly to the post - A one time thing, so just follow Eileen's instructions for future challenges & you will be in the running :)
Draga Aurelia poti sa ma intrebi oricand orice daca stiu si am timp sa intru pe blog iti raspund cu cea mai mare placere. Nici eu nu prea ma descurc in Quilling Cafe. Nu stiu cum pot face sa apara ce postez eu pe blog si acolo la ei. e o optiune dar nu am inteles inca. Pentru tine, ca sa afisezi o poza, sau un text in format HTML care formeaza un banner sau o poza, intri de pe blogul tau in optiunea DESIGN, apoi in ASPECT, apoi la ADAUGATI UN OBIECT DE GADGET si de acolo alegi optiunea FOTOGRAFIE. Poti importa de pe calculatorul tau sau, in situatia unei fotografii BLOGGER'S AWARD te-am invatat deja:faci click pe ea si te duci la propietati si copiezi adresa fotografiei de pe INTERNET. In fereastra optiunii FOTOGRAFIE treci la link adresa copiata cu mouse-ul. Nu uita sa apesi apoi pe toate optiunile de salvare in toate ferestrele de inapoiere catre blog. Sper ca m-ai inteles, daca nu spune-mi si corectam. Sa vedem ce facem si Quilling Cafe ca nu prea stiu sa umblu pe acolo...Vorbim. Va sarut pe amandoua, pe tine si pe fetita ta si va doresc mult succes in ceea ce faceti. Si eu am un baiat de 29 de ani care este programator de jocuri pe calculator. Si sunt mandra de el.
RăspundețiȘtergerePentru copiere adresa poza de pe INTERNET :click pe buton dreapta mouse si te duci pe ultima optiune PROPERTIES, o deschizi si copiezi adresa de la URL tot cu mouse-ul, click buton dreapta si COPY. Te duci apoi in fereastra FOTOGRAFIE si la optiunea adresa URL sau INTERNET, nu mai stiu ce scrie acolo acum exact, dai click dreapta mouse si PASTE. Asa poti copia orice fotografie de pe INTERNET pe blogul tau, avand permisiunea propietarului fotografiei in prealabil. Poti aranja fotografiile in fereastra de ASPECT cum vrei tu, tinand apasat butonul din stanga al mouse-ului si tragandu-le in jos sau in sus. Nu uita sa salvezi tot ce faci. Daca gresesti ceva nu salva si totul e ok.
RăspundețiȘtergereI love your delicious quilled cherries!
RăspundețiȘtergereThanks for joining us at Tuesday Alchemy!
Katya x