luni, 9 iulie 2012

"CONFETTI , I'm having a vacation !! See you soon !!"

6 comentarii:

  1. Have a wonderful family vacation! You work so hard and deserve it very much! My boyfriend has been to the Black Sea when he was a little boy and enjoyed it very much. He remembers a lot of stones. Is this true? He has such a bad memory. :D

    I hope Marinel has a very good time! We took our cats to Maine last year and they were too stressed and in return it made us really stressed. My dad took care of them while we were visiting. My dad and brother are leaving to Maine to visit family tomorrow for a few days. You can say we took turns going to keep surprising my mom and cure some of her boredom. ;)

    I've been really bad with keeping up with things online. It is starting to be busy season at work and I am not used to it, so I'm always tired.

    Enjoy and safe travels!

  2. sweetie, your card is so lovely!
    it makes me smile at once!

    hugs and kisses from germany,
    silvi xoxo

  3. Soooo glad you are back! You've been sorely missed! Can't wait to hear about your vacation!

  4. Thank you ,thank you for your sweet comments!


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XoXo and hugs ,aureliaeugenia