Have the courage of a lion,
Never give up even it's hard,
So fight,and win,believe and hope
To day is so much better than yesterday!
The frienship flower you should pick
Only by choosing it with (your) mind,
Go on and pass forward and say
As much as you can: HAKUNA MATATA(don't worry,be happy!)
I BELIEVE IN YOU and I can say
You're the best child in the whole world.
I am so happy you are mine!
So be better every day.
Mom and Dad
A trăi,a visa si a crea lucruri frumoase care-ţi aduc bucurie si pace sufletească,este esenţial pentru mine. Doresc să dăruiesc din prea plinul inimii mele, bucuria unei inspiraţii=idei si creaţii,care vine,râmane o clipă si pleacă graţios spre altă destinaţie.... WELCOME TO MY BLOG AND THANKS A MILLION FOR YOUR COMMENTS!!!!!